Empire Bluffs Engagement | Claire + Joey | By Anna
Spend a few minutes with Claire + Joey, and it won’t take you long to know that these two belong together. And the reality is, it didn’t take long for Claire to realize it either. “Embarrassingly, I knew I was going to love Joe only two months into our relationship. I told my friends and family that year that he was going to be the one I marry. We spent a summer abroad together six months in and survived, so I figured that was a good start. Over time, we grew stronger as a couple and worked together to develop a foundation of admiration, respect, and encouragement. There wasn’t one specific moment I realized that Joe was my partner for life. It was just a truth that showed up one day and never went away.”
So it was only a matter of time before Claire + Joey would seal the deal and get engaged. “I actually thought we were fighting. Joey left the house in what I thought was a responsible decision to take a break, but he had really snuck away to ask my dad for his blessing and pick up our favorite food and wine. I was washing the dishes when he came in the kitchen and tapped on my shoulder. When I turned around, he was on one knee and asked if I would marry him.”
Claire + Joey, you two are a joy. Congratulations on your engagement!