Glen Arbor, MI Engagement | Hannah + Taylor | Captured by Dan | © Dan Stewart Photography |
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Sleeping Bear Dunes Engagement | Hannah + Taylor

Hannah+ Taylor’s engagement story is straight out of a romance novel. “Taylor took me to one of the first places we went hiking together with our dogs. He led me down a trail where he had pictures of us hanging from tree branches every 10 feet. Once we got to the second picture, I knew this wasn’t just our typical hike. There were 30 different pictures of us throughout the trail and on the back of each picture was a paragraph or two about us and our relationship. When we got to the bottom of the trail, I saw a big heart made of rose petals and lights hanging from the trees above, Taylor then got down on one knee and asked for forever. After that we had champagne to celebrate! We sat on a bench he built us in the woods with our names and the date engraved on it. We spent the rest of the evening watching the sunset over the lake on our bench. It was amazing, and so romantic.”

Their love story started well before the engagement, however. Hannah knew right away that Taylor was the one for her. “It sounds cliche, but from the first time we met, there was always that instant connection. How many people can spend 11.5 hours talking to someone on a first date? The conversations with Taylor have also been so easy. It’s always felt like we were meant for each other, that is something that continues to grow stronger each day.” Taylor truly appreciates who Hannah is. “There were three main things that solidified that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Hannah. Seeing how selfless she is in what she’s dedicated her career to, everyday working with autistic children to better their life. Two, how well she meshes with everyone in my family. We are all a close family, and she fits right in and gets along with everyone, especially the young kids; they love her. Lastly, knowing how accepting she is of how people are. We all have our goofy or awkward sides of us that we can often get embarrassed by but she’s very accepting of those sides of me and lets me be myself and somehow still loves me for it.”

Congratulations, Hannah + Taylor! We can’t wait to join you on your wedding day.