
Sleeping Bear Dunes Engagement | Meagan + Derek | By Anna

“We drove to a beautiful viewpoint overlooking the Oregon coast and the mighty Pacific. It was sunset so the colors were amazing. We were standing there just taking in the scenery when Meagan turned to me and smiled, then looked back at the ocean. That beautiful smile changed me forever.”

Meagan + Derek’s story is a beautiful one. And it all started with an epidemiology class and a didgeridoo.

“We met in graduate school, where we both studied public health at the University of Michigan. We had a class together, epidemiology, and were group-mates on a project. Derek made a wager with me, where the loser would buy coffee. Derek lost and the coffee ended up being a drink out on the town, and the rest is history.”

“We met and started dating at the end of our first year in graduate school. Derek had a summer internship out in Portland Oregon. Even though we had met just a month or so before, Derek asked me if I would like to come visit. When I ended up going out to visit, it was an absolute blast, but one moment stuck out the most. There was a Saturday morning farmers market right by where Derek lived, and we had spent the morning tasting different treats and checking out art vendors. We sat on a bench and a man starting playing the didgeridoo. We danced around and tried to replicate the sound of the didgeridoo. It was in that moment that I knew Derek could match my weirdness and knew we were meant to be together!”

Meagan + Derek, you two are definitely meant for each other, and that’s a beautiful thing. Congrats on your engagement!