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Snowy Engagement Session | Samantha + Blake

“I think from day one, I knew Blake was someone special, someone I needed in my life. I felt comfortable with Blake instantly; he made me feel safe, and I felt like I could tell him anything. To this day, he has been my biggest cheerleader, I feel like I can conquer the world with him behind me. The feeling only continued to grow that I couldn’t picture my life without him, I still get butterflies! “

“I’d say the feeling has grown on me, just like our relationship. I found myself emphatically leaving work in the morning to get home to Sam, either to cuddle on the couch, or head out for a daily adventure. Since we’ve met, Sam has introduced me new things, taken me out of my comfort zone, and shown me what life could be with her. With that being said, I’ve loved it since and wouldn’t have it any other way. ”

Sam + Blake met through a mutual friend, and the connection was immediate. So it was only a matter of time until Blake would pop the question. “I came home, on what I thought was a normal Thursday night from work, to a kitchen full of candles, balloons and roses. My future husband was sitting at our counter next to a sign that said ‘Marry Me???’. I think I was frozen where I stood in the doorway in my parka. Blake had to come get me from the doorway, pick my chin up off the floor, take my bags out of my hands, and guide me to the kitchen haha! It could not have been a more perfect proposal for us, and more perfect man for me. It still doesn’t feel real some days, when I think about how lucky I am.”

Congratulations, Sam + Blake!